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April 01, 2022

What Problem Do You Solve?

If you want to make money with your podcast, you need to solve a problem.

If you want to make money with your podcast, you need to solve a problem.

At Podcast Movement Evolution in LA people kept pitching me, and in a matter of seconds, I was able to tell if this person understood the podcasting market or not. Most did not. 


My friend Paul Colligan from the Podcast Partnership said, "There are two types of podcast companies. One that cares about podcasting, and the other that just wants some of that sweet, sweet podcast money." 


If you want to make money with a podcast, you need to solve a problem. So that can be a product or service, but it can also be that you solve the problem of providing information that is not available anywhere else. 


I do need to clarify that I've said it takes three years to build an audience, and that is when people I interviewed for my book Profit From Your Podcast started making notable income.However, it's not the three years that enable them to make money. It is the quality of the content. Don't keep making episodes thinking, "If I can just make it 36 months I can retire." There is some luck and timing involved. 


Why do I think that? Netflix cancels shows. They know everything about us. They know our likes and dislikes, and yet they make shows that we don't watch and get canceled. Why? Maybe it was bad timing or good old luck of the right person finding it and telling two friends...


So if you want to make money, you need to solve a problem. Think about everything you buy. Be it clothes, food, Netflix, etc it all solves a problem. 

What problem can you solve?

I can help at and you can read my monetization secrets at

Ready to make money with your podcast?

Check out the book Profit From Your Podcast on Amazon

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This podcast is part of the Power of Podcasting network. Changing the world one download at a time.

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How Do You Make Money With a Podcast

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